Representing reality through fragments

Text by Rosa Queralt


R.I.P. Democracia | 2008 | Óleo y acrílico sobre tabla | 34 x 68 cm

Representing reality through fragments

was a crucial development and a widening of expressive medium to which for over half a century we have been indebted to Cubism and in turn collage, a method which also led to the incorporation of materials which hitherto had no place in art and to the dismantlement of the laws of perspective to give the illusion of depth in two dimensional media. Today, speaking beyond painting, life has become so complex that, on resulting practically impossible to reach an approximation of its totality, it has become commonplace to use fragmentary constructions to show existential situations. And the mind responds by learning to perceive reality through its parts.

Shortly after arriving to Barcelona Idoia Montón is renewed and ready again to start work on a series of objects which, by their nature, appear as vestiges of everyday life, although when painted they lose their allegorical charge and the emotional component is equally diluted. The main characteristic of these works is precisely this fragmentary vision, though on exception there are overtones of menace, masking and emphasis of the part that is bound and severed off from reality. The process of synthesis is evident, as is the abandonment of narrative painting. Is this Circumstantial? Or is it definitive?


S.T. | 2008 | Óleo y acrílico sobre tabla | 68 x 48 cm


Txustarra | 2009 | Óleo y acrílico sobre tela | 30 x 20 cm


S.T. | 2008 | Óleo y acrílico sobre tela | 55,5 x 38,5 cm


Niño dios| 2008 | Óleo y acrílico sobre cartón | 31 x 31 cm


S.T. | 2008 | Acrílico sobre cartón | 31 x 31 cm